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finding files with multiple substrings

24 May 2015

I’d like to share with you a challenge I ran into last night. It’s a perfect example of the sort of hard problem that becomes easy on the command line.

Some background: I play Go. I recently bought the GoGoD game database, which has somewhere on the order of 80,000 Go game records in it. These games are all stored in a directory tree in .sgf format, a simple plaintext format. There is no index to speak of.

Records of games from professionals of many different ranks are included. The rating scale for professionals starts at 1 dan (or “shodan”) and goes up to 9 dan, the highest rating a player can achieve. Games between professionals are always interesting, but games between 9dan professionals tend to be particularly packed with subtlety and value for the ambitious student of Go.

Any game from this database is worth studying, but with over eighty thousand games to choose from, it helps to be able to pick highlights. What better way than by focusing on games between 9dans?

After this decision, we are immediately faced with a second question: sure, we can just open games at random until we find a game between 9dans, but this is slow and tedious. Are we doomed to tedium, or is there some way we could search this database of more than eighty thousand games, pick out only the games between 9dans, and copy these over to a special “elite database”?

To the average user, this might sound like an absurd amount of work, but on the command line it is almost trivial.

Here are a few lines from near the start of a GoGoD game record, where contextual info about a game is stored:

    PW[Sakai Hideyuki]
    PB[Cho Chikun]
    EV[59th NHK Cup] RO[Round 3]

This preamble states that we are looking at a record of a game between Cho Chikun 9dan and Sakai Hideyuki 8dan. The convention of delimiting fields with newlines is common but entirely optional and is not followed uniformly in this database.

We want games where both Black and White are 9dan. Games where black is 9d will contain the string “BR[9d”, and likewise games where white is 9d will contain “WR[9d”. Note the omission of the closing bracket: the sgf format allows extra information to be included within these brackets, and so searching for “WR[9d]” would miss a fair number of matches, such as the string “WR[9d hon.]” which shows up (for example) in certain records of the games of the great Segoe Kensaku, honorary 9 dan.

So we have two strings to search for. Searching for either one individually is trivial. From GoGoD’s base directory, which holds game records in a subfolder called Database,

$ grep -rl "WR\[9d" Database

This will recursively search files in the database and its subdirectories for the string WR[9d (note that the open bracket, a regex metacharacter, needs to be escaped) and output relative paths from the current working directory to all matching files. Swapping out W for B in the search string produces a list of black 9dan games.

Thus, we can build lists of games where black is 9dan or white is 9dan. But what about both?

There are a many ways to do this. One can write a script with a loop that lists white 9d games, then checks whether black is also 9d, and copies only if this condition holds. But, writing scripts is tedious and takes time. Check this out:

$ { grep -rl "WR\[9d" Database ; grep -rl "BR\[9d" Database ; } | sort | uniq -d

This will build a list of files where black is 9dan and a list of files where white is 9dan, concatenate these lists, sort the concatenated megalist so that duplicated filenames appear next to each other, and then filter through this and pick out only the duplicated lines, outputting one entry per duplicated group.

This command gives us a list of files where both players are 9dan. From here, it’s a walk in the park. cp copies a file into a directory, but throws a fit if the file’s containing directory doesn’t exist yet. One underappreciated workaround is the –parents flag, which works like this:

$ mkdir -p d1/d2 d3
$ touch d1/d2/file
$ tree .
├── d1
│   └── d2
│       └── file
└── d3

3 directories, 1 file
$ cp d1/d2/file d3/d1/d2/
cp: cannot create regular file ‘d3/d1/d2’: No such file or directory
$ cp --parents d1/d2/file d3
$ tree .
├── d1
│   └── d2
│       └── file
└── d3
    └── d1
        └── d2
            └── file

5 directories, 2 files

As you can see, the full path to testfile is copied into d3, with directories being created where they don’t already exist. This is exactly what we want.

The GoGoD directory tree looks like this:

    ├── 0196-1699
    ├── 1700-99
    ├── 1800-49
    ├── 1850-99
    ├── 2013
    ├── 2014
    ├── 2015
    └── Non19x19Boards
        ├── 13x13 Games
        ├── 15x15 Games
        ├── 21x21 Games
        ├── 9x9 Games
        └── Tibet_Games

To create our alternate database of 9dan games, we can use everything discussed above plus a little bit of xargs glue:

$ mkdir 9danGoGoD
$ { grep -rl "WR\[9d" Database ; grep -rl "BR\[9d" Database ; } | sort | uniq -d | xargs -I sgf cp --parents sgf 9dan

This may take a little while without an SSD, because we’ve got over 80k files to grep (twice!), but it’s still a whole lot faster than going through them by hand.

Note that if we have e.g. vimgrep, pcregrep, or any other grep variant able to match across newlines, then there’s the potential to speed things up by combining the grep search terms into one regex, thus cutting the number of greps in half and eliminating the need for sort and uniq. If we’re willing to sacrifice clarity for speed, this would be one effective way to do so – assuming the regex can be sufficiently optimized.

Another way to solve this problem: grep returns 0 (success) if it found a match, and nonzero (failure) if it didn’t. “find” provides an -exec parameter which allows multiple commands to be specified. For each file found, the first command is run, and if it returns success then the second command is run as well, and so on. This can be leveraged as follows:

$ find Database -name *.sgf -exec grep "WR\[9d" {} \; -exec grep "BR\[9d" {} \; -exec cp --parents {} 9dan \;

This is arguably not quite as pretty, although there’s something to be said for fitting all one’s logic into a single command. Also, this method is almost certainly more efficient, since we only run the second grep when the first one turns up a hit.

This is, in my opinion, a good example of why people who criticize the command line for being arcane have the wrong idea – it’s not that this criticism is incorrect; rather, it misses the point. Yes, the shell is arcane, but it is necessarily so. Why? Because the options it provides are close to limitless that to simplify them would almost certainly be to limit them.

Practically any operation you could want to perform on your system, especially on your filesystem, can be done through the command line. To create such a powerful tool means absorbing a certain amount of irreducible complexity. Considering the scale of the task at hand, I’d argue that most modern command-line environments do a very good job of minimizing their environments’ arcana!

Years ago, before I started using Linux, I thought the command line was a cool tool for sysadmins but not really practical for the average user. I could not have been more wrong. It’s one of those things that you don’t realize you need until you learn it, at which point you never want to be without it again. It’s incredible how much time it can save you: setting up my collection of 9dan games took an order of magnitude less time than even writing this post!