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Obsidian: A Constraint-Based System for Graphics Programming

14 April 2020


What’s your greatest fear? Mine is making publication-grade vector graphics.

When I think about figures, I think in terms of shapes and arrangements. I want to represent concepts with simple shapes, then arrange the shapes to reflect relationships: some shapes contained within others, some grouped together in rows or columns, some connected, some separated, and so on.

Once I’ve decided how I want things to look, then comes the hard part: figuring out how to translate this mental model into a graphic design tool’s abstractions.

I think there must be a fundamental disconnect between the tools I’ve tried and my own mindset. I’m always surprised by how much effort is involved in simple tasks like aligning shapes, grouping them together, rearranging them, and so on. Drawing even simple figures becomes repetitive, tedious, and error-prone.

Using these tools, the relationships between shapes often end up being implicit, not explicit, and there always seems to come a point where I’ll have to cover for the tool’s shortcomings through ugly hacks like hard-coding positions that I’ve calculated by hand. The result ends up feeling just barely good enough, and modifying it feels like playing jenga, where even the slightest movement could instantly break everything.

What I want is a tool whose data model matches my mental model: a tool that works in terms of shapes and arrangements.

Last December, I came across a blog post about a system called Basalt. It seemed like just what I’ve always wanted: a terse API that lets the user express relationships between shapes in terms of constraints which then get passed off to an SMT solver. Since the solver is responsible for finding numeric values for every shape’s position and dimensions, the programmer is free to define everything in clear, abstract terms, writing expressive code free from magic numbers and letting the machine take care of the details. It’s not a new idea, but it is a good idea.

A few months later, I came up with a great use case for Basalt, but was disappointed to realize that the library had never been released. I’m not sure if it’s still being developed - the author seems pretty busy - but the idea was good enough that I thought, hey, why not try and build this myself?

I started out aiming for feature parity with the examples from that blog post, but quickly found myself building the library out even further and finding ways to simplify or improve on it. Pretty soon, my project had taken on a life of its own.

I’ve been hacking on it for a couple weeks at this point. It’s still definitely a work in progress, but I think it’s ready to share. Since the project is inspired by “Basalt”, I figure the name should be, too, and so I give you: Obsidian.

Introducing Obsidian

Obsidian is a constraint-based system for graphics programming. It lets you define groups of shapes, specify relations between them, style them in any way supported by the SVG format, and render them from that information alone.

The shapes and arrangements you specify get passed off to an SMT solver, which does all the heavy lifting of computing shapes’ relative and absolute positions. This means that the relationships between shapes can take any form understood by the solver, effectively allowing them to be arbitrarily complex. Forget about “snap to guides” - we live in the future, we can do better than that.

The renderer currently supports PNG, SVG, and GIF (static or animated).

If you use Jupyter notebooks, you can also display rendered images natively within your notebooks and even use Jupyter’s IO widgets to interactively adjust any shape parameters you’d like (e.g. dimensions, margins, font sizes, or anything else you can derive an expression for).

The easiest way to understand how this all fits together is to see it in action. Let’s take a look at some code samples.

Example: Circle and Square

This script generates a circle, inscribes a square inside it, and places them both on a pleasant gray background.

This idea is borrowed from the start of the blog post I linked in the preface. You might find it interesting to contrast that post’s code with this one’s (the generated figures are pretty much identical).

from obsidian import Canvas, Group, EQ
from obsidian.geometry import Circle, Rectangle, Point

SQRT_2 = 2**0.5


CIRCLE_STYLE = {"stroke": "#0000ff", "fill_opacity": "0"}
RECT_STYLE = {"stroke": "#ff0000", "fill_opacity": "0"}

circle = Circle(style=CIRCLE_STYLE)
square = Rectangle(style=RECT_STYLE)

g = Group([circle, square], [
    circle.center |EQ| square.center,
    circle.radius |EQ| WIDTH / 4,
    square.width |EQ| square.height,
    square.width |EQ| circle.radius * SQRT_2

canvas = Canvas(g, WIDTH, HEIGHT, bg_color="#e0e0e0")

This script produces the following image:

A circle, with a square inscribed within it.

Note the total absence of magic numbers in this script. In fact, it uses almost no numbers at all. Instead, shapes are created, relationships between their attributes are defined, and Obsidian takes it from there.

Don’t get hung up on the unusual |EQ| syntax. More will be said on that below. In brief, it’s a way of using infix syntax with custom operators. The EQ operator in particular represents an equality constraint. We use EQ rather than == because the latter is generally expected to return a bool or bool-like value, rather than an object representing an SMT formula.

Example: Binary Counting

Here’s another example that shows just how terse Obsidian can be. This one shows the binary representations of the numbers 0 through 31:

from obsidian import Canvas, Group, ShapeGrid, EQ
from obsidian.geometry import Rectangle

GRID_W = 5
GRID_H = 2**5

BG = "#000000"
RED = "#AA1010"
BLUE = "#3030AA"

squares = ShapeGrid(w=GRID_W, h=GRID_H, spacing=SPACING,
        factory=lambda: Rectangle(width=10, height=10))

for i, square in enumerate(squares.shapes):
    mask = 2 ** (GRID_W - 1 - (i % GRID_W))
    color = BLUE if (i // GRID_W) & mask else RED
    square.style = {"fill": color}

canvas_w = squares.bounds.width + 2*SPACING
canvas_h = squares.bounds.height + 2*SPACING
canvas = Canvas(squares, canvas_w, canvas_h, bg_color=BG)

And here’s the output:

A two-tone grid of squares representing 1s and 0s.

This example makes use of Obsidian’s built-in ShapeGrid class. This is a special kind of Group which knows how to generate the necessary constraints to arrange shapes into rows and columns with uniform spacing. Helper classes like this allow us to keep Obsidian scripts terse and expressive.

Note that the canvas’s width and height don’t need to be specified explicitly - they’ll be derived and converted to integers once the solver determines values for squares.bounds.width and squares.bounds.height. Note also that squares is centered in the canvas by default; this is a convenience feature provided by Canvas, and can be adjusted or disabled as desired.

Example: Go Board

Here’s a third example - this one’s my favorite:

An annotated Go board depicting Shusaku's famous Ear-Reddening Move.

This Go board is defined, populated with stones, and rendered in just 177 lines of code, roughly a quarter of which are spent on docstrings, comments, and the specification of the board position (the script accepts an arbitrary position, passed in as ASCII art).

This example is built around a class called GoBoard, which looks something like this (some methods omitted for brevity - the interesting stuff all happens in __init__):

class GoBoard:
    BG_STYLE = {"fill": "#f2b06d"}
    LINE_STYLE = {"stroke": "#101010", "stroke_width": 1}
    TEXT_STYLE = {"fill": "#000000"}

    def __init__(self, width, height, inset, rows=19, cols=19, font_size=15, margin_between_stones=3):
        assert 7 <= rows <= 50
        assert 7 <= cols <= 50

        # initialize properties, and get local references for some of them
        self.rows = rows
        self.cols = cols
        self.font_size = font_size
        self.constraints = constraints = []
        self.bg = Rectangle(0, 0, width, height, self.BG_STYLE)
        self.stones = []

        # derive stone radius from distance between adjacent intersections
        intersection_distance = min((width - 2*inset) / cols,
                                    (height - 2*inset) / rows)
        self.stone_radius = (intersection_distance - margin_between_stones) / 2

        # create points for the 4 corners of the board's grid
        top_left = Point(inset, inset)
        bot_left = Point(inset, height-inset)
        top_right = Point(width-inset, inset)
        bot_right = Point(width-inset, height-inset)

        # make lists of points evenly distributed along each edge of the board
        top_points = [Point() for _ in range(cols)]
        left_points = [Point() for _ in range(rows)]
        right_points = [Point() for _ in range(rows)]
        bottom_points = [Point() for _ in range(cols)]
        constraints.append(evenly_spaced(top_left, top_right, top_points))
        constraints.append(evenly_spaced(top_left, bot_left, left_points))
        constraints.append(evenly_spaced(top_right, bot_right, right_points))
        constraints.append(evenly_spaced(bot_left, bot_right, bottom_points))

        # draw a line between each opposing pair of points
        h_lines = [Line(p1, p2, self.LINE_STYLE) for p1, p2 in zip(left_points, right_points)]
        v_lines = [Line(p1, p2, self.LINE_STYLE) for p1, p2 in zip(top_points, bottom_points)]
        self.h_lines = h_lines
        self.v_lines = v_lines

        # mark the board's "star points"
        self.star_points = star_points = []
        for row in self.get_star_lines(rows):
            for col in self.get_star_lines(cols):
                intersection = self.get_intersection(row, col)
                star_point = Rectangle(width=5, height=5, style={"fill": "#000000"})
                constraints.append(star_point.center |EQ| intersection)

        # annotate the grid rows
        self.grid_coords = grid_coords = []
        for row, pt in enumerate(left_points):
            anchor = Point(inset/2 - 1, pt.y - 3)
            s = str(rows - row)
            grid_coords.append(self.make_text(s, anchor))

        # annotate the grid columns
        col_letters = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz"  # no I (as is conventional)
        for letter, pt in zip(col_letters, bottom_points):
            anchor = Point(pt.x, height - inset/2)
            grid_coords.append(self.make_text(letter, anchor))

    def get_intersection(self, row, col):
        Returns the intersection of the given row and col as a Point.
        x = self.v_lines[col].pt1.x
        y = self.h_lines[row].pt1.y
        return Point(x, y)

    def get_star_lines(size):
        ...  # returns offsets for star points (eg [2, 4, 6] on 9x9)

    def make_black_stone(self):
        return Circle(radius=self.stone_radius, style={"stroke": "black", "stroke_width": 1.3, "fill": "#000000"})

    def make_white_stone(self):
        return Circle(radius=self.stone_radius, style={"stroke": "black", "stroke_width": 1.3, "fill": "#FFFFFF"})

    def make_text(self, string, anchor):
        return Text(string, self.font_size, anchor, GoBoard.TEXT_STYLE)

    def add_stone(self, player, row, col):
        ...  # makes a stone, positions it, and appends it to self.stones

    def get_group(self):
        shapes = [self.bg]
        shapes += self.h_lines
        shapes += self.v_lines
        shapes += self.star_points
        shapes += self.grid_coords
        shapes += self.stones
        return Group(shapes, self.constraints)

This is a bit longer than the earlier examples, but I’m including it anyway to show how well Obsidian’s idiomatic patterns hold up in this more complex context. Note how list comprehensions and helper functions like evenly_spaced allow each section of the program to remain terse and expressive. Here, too, there is a total lack of magic numbers.1

Interestingly, the series of steps followed in __init__ is just the same as how one might draw a board by hand: mark the corners, identify the edges, distribute points evenly along each edge, form a grid by connecting opposite pairs of points with lines, place markings on certain grid intersections, then add annotations on the edges of the board.

The fact that this process aligns perfectly with how we might describe (or even imagine) the layout of a Go board is a strong indicator that we’ve found a system which closely mirrors our mental models.

What’s more, since this description is generic, it is also flexible. It works perfectly well for traditional board sizes (9x9, 13x13, 19x19), but it is by no means limited to them. In fact, offering a class which supports (say) arbitrary row and column counts is exactly as easy as supporting the most common sizes.

As a result, this class’s __init__ method accepts a number of parameters. Finding the ideal values for these parameters is an iterative process. How can we iterate as quickly and easily as possible? Enter Jupyter.

If you haven’t used Jupyter before, you’re missing out. Jupyter’s interface is great for the sort of interactive coding you do when drawing Obsidian figures, and figures can be rendered directly within the notebook. Not only that, but Jupyter provides widgets that can be used to manipulate render parameters. Look at this:

Note that go_board.py required no modifications whatsoever in order for this to work. The Jupyter notebook (which you can view here) simply starts with import go_board, wraps go_board’s methods with some interactive widgets, and returns the result. That’s all you need to do.

Why might you want this? With any sort of technical graphic design, there comes a point where you’re spending most of your time tweaking a handful of parameters and seeing how you like the results. The faster you can see and compare the results of those tweaks, the more productive you’ll be - and it’s hard to imagine getting much faster than this.


OK, now that you’ve seen Obsidian in action, let’s take a look under the hood.


Obsidian is built around the concept of the Shape. Every Shape has two useful attributes: bounds (consisting of four edges) and center.

By default, center is simply computed as: Point((left_edge + right_edge) / 2, (top_edge + bottom_edge) / 2)

Almost every class in Obsidian is a dataclass. In particular, all Shape subclasses should be dataclasses. The relevant idioms are on display in obsidian/geometry.py.

For instance, here’s how the Point class is defined:

class Point(Shape):
    x: REAL = SMTField()
    y: REAL = SMTField()
    style: STYLE = StyleField()

    def bounds(self):
        x, y = self.x, self.y
        return Bounds(x, x, y, y)  # just a point!

And here’s Circle:

class Circle(Shape):
    x: REAL = SMTField()
    y: REAL = SMTField()
    radius: REAL = SMTField()
    style: STYLE = StyleField()

    def bounds(self):
        left_edge, right_edge = self.x - self.radius, self.x + self.radius
        top_edge, bottom_edge = self.y - self.radius, self.y + self.radius
        return Bounds(left_edge, right_edge, top_edge, bottom_edge)

The @dataclass decorator automatically creates __init__ methods for these classes based on their annotated fields. You can read about the details of how this works here. Any argument that is not supplied will be initialized to a default value; for anything marked as SMTField, this default value will be a fresh, unique free variable from the SMT solver which can be used in any constraint.


The Group is a special type of Shape representing a collection of other Shapes (potentially including other Groups). By default, a Group defines its bounds in terms of the mins and maxes of its members’ bounds.

Group can be subclassed to create composite shapes (like obsidian.symbols.XorSymbol) or semi-structured shape containers (like obsidian.shape.ShapeGrid).


When you want to render a Group, you put it on a Canvas. In the simplest case, this looks like so:

group = Group([...], [...])
canvas = Canvas(group)

Used this way, Canvas will:

  • Set its own width and height as equal to group’s width and height

  • Center-align group like so: group.center |EQ| Point(width/2, height/2)

  • Pass the constraints to the SMT solver and get a solution, if any exists

  • Use the solved model to render every shape from group.shapes in order

  • Store the rendered image as canvas.rendered

  • Save canvas.rendered as a PNG at the given path, i.e. /tmp/file.png

If any of that is not what you want, you can override it. For instance, you can have Canvas align the group to any corner, or have it leave alignment entirely up to you. You can pass integers for width and height, or express them in terms of the SMT solver’s free variables (e.g. width = group.bounds.width + 10).

Canvas.render() offers keyword arguments for two different forms of caching: it can store a solved model, and it can keep a cache of solved variables’ values. These are very basic features that I’ve included to try to speed up complex renders. They’re not fancy, but they help. See the docstring for details.


Obsidian uses pySMT to express constraints and feed them to a solver. All constraints are expressed in pySMT-native format, which effectively means that they’re all instances of pysmt.fnode.FNode. As the user, you don’t really need to know this unless you’re writing type annotations or getting serious about optimization.

For rendering, Obsidian uses a little library called drawSvg. This provides a layer of abstraction on top of Cairo (which is also required). drawSvg is small, nearly undocumented, and sort of eccentric, but it has all the features I want and offers them through a fairly terse interface, so I’m happy with it for now.2

Aligning Shapes

Some utility functions are provided to help with aligning shapes. Each of these functions generates a single, possibly complex constraint. For instance:

def top_align(shapes):
    s = FreshSymbol(REAL)
    return And(Equals(shape.bounds.top_edge, s) for shape in shapes)

This constrains all the shapes’ top edges to the same value, effectively setting them equal to each other. This and left_align are used by ShapeGrid.

def evenly_spaced(start_point, end_point, shapes):
    n = len(shapes)
    assert n > 1
    constraints = []
    for i in range(n):
        j = n - i - 1
        x = (start_point.x*j + end_point.x*i) / (n-1)
        y = (start_point.y*j + end_point.y*i) / (n-1)
        constraints.append(Equals(shapes[i].x, x))
        constraints.append(Equals(shapes[i].y, y))
    return And(constraints)

This sets the x and y attributes of the objects in shapes such that the shapes are evenly distributed on a line between start_point and end_point. You can see this function in action within GoBoard.__init__().

Infix Operators

This is one of the more unusual parts of Obsidian.

First, a little background.

By default, Python functions use a form of prefix notation: a function F of two arguments a, b is written F(a, b). However, certain built-in operators use infix notation: for instance, we write 1 + 1 rather than + 1 1, placing the + operator between, not ahead of, its arguments.

Python has a number of built-in infix operators, but does not offer any way to define new ones. This is unfortunate, since just about everyone prefers to write math in infix notation.

There are two options here. The first is to repurpose a built-in infix operator. For example, Python doesn’t let you override the == operator itself, but it does let you provide your own __eq__ methods which behave however you want.

Technically this could be used to make the expression smt_var_1 == smt_var_2 return a constraint.3 This approach has some drawbacks, though. For instance, __eq__ and related methods have some convoluted semantics which only really make sense in the context of boolean comparisons.

Another downside is that we lose the ability to actually use == in its intended way: to compare variables by value. Since Python objects are True by default, a conditional like if smt_var_1 == smt_var_2: would always execute, even if the two variables are distinct. Similarly, by default smt_var_1 != smt_var_2 would always be False for any pair of free variables, since its default implementation is simply return not self.__eq__(other).

We could still compare by reference (e.g. smt_var_1 is smt_var_2) but this is fragile and leaves us inconveniently dependent on assumptions about our SMT library’s implementation.

Luckily, there’s another option. Check out this excerpt from obsidian/infix.py:

class Infix:
    Cute little hack for defining custom infix operators.
    Attrib: https://code.activestate.com/recipes/384122/#c5

    >>> import operator
    >>> mul = Infix(operator.mul)
    >>> 4 |mul| 4
    >>> div = Infix(operator.truediv)
    >>> 8 |div| (2 |div| 2)

    def __init__(self, f):
        self.f = f

    def __ror__(self, other):
        return Infix(lambda x: self.f(other, x))

    def __or__(self, other):
        return self.f(other)

This customizes the | operator, which has simpler semantics than == and is expected to return non-boolean values. This doesn’t really define any new infix operators - evaluation proceeds like (4 | mul) | 4, with | as the infix operator in both steps - but it allows us to write custom operators in a way which mimics infix notation.

At first glance this syntax may look unusual, but it allows us to keep using == in the intended way, avoiding the confusion of having a == b sometimes returning something other than a bool.

Obsidian defines infix operators for equality and inequality: obsidian.EQ and obsidian.NE. These are the only operators I’ve found myself needing so far, since our SMT solver library (pySMT) already supports infix arithmetic (eg var_1 = var_2 + 5) and infix boolean conjunctions (eg formula_1 = formula_2 & formula_3).

EQ and NE accept any pySMT expression; they also accept obsidian.Point instances. point_1 |EQ| point_2 is equivalent to (point_1.x |EQ| point_2.x) & (point_1.y |EQ| point_2.y).

Note that while we do lean on the | operator for this special behavior, we don’t have to override its default behavior to do so. This is because our special behavior is only triggered when one of |’s arguments is an Infix instance. Absent Infix, | behaves normally.

You may be wondering why we’re using |. Two reasons: first, it looks cool; second, in Python’s operator precedence ordering, | is the next operator after ==, meaning that your intuitions about operator precedence for == will (almost)4 always apply to |EQ| as well.

There is one tiny limitation to this notation.

Python allows programmers to write three-way comparisons like a == b == c. The interpreter evaluates these the way a novice programmer would expect, i.e. (a == b) and (b == c), rather than evaluating it in the way programmers coming from a background in less helpful languages might expect, i.e. as (a == b) == c. Unfortunately a |EQ| b |EQ| c follows the latter semantics, not the former.

The reason for this behavior is just that it keeps the implementation of Infix simple. If anyone is interested in working on lifting this limitation, I have some ideas on how it could be done and would be glad to work with you on this.

Next Steps

Obsidian is a work in progress. It’s usable - I’ve been using it - but there is still room for improvement and expansion.


Simple figures render instantly; complex ones may take longer. If you have a figure with thousands of shapes (and thus thousands of free variables), renders might take at least a few seconds.

Here are some tricks you can use to improve performance:

  • If you’re rendering the same arrangement of shapes with different styles (e.g. for an animation), you can use a cache to speed things up; see Canvas.render()’s docstring for details.

  • Every constraint object comes with a .simplify() method. Simplifying complex constraints may speed up your overall render time. If you’re working in Jupyter, you can use %time to benchmark any step in your script, which can tell you whether or not your simplifications are helping. If you want to simplify a list of constraints, pass them to pysmt.shortcuts.And first.

  • If you are subclassing Group and making heavy use of your custom group’s bounds attribute, you may see performance benefits from overriding the default implementation of bounds. The default looks at every sub-shape’s bounds and takes mins and maxes across them; you can likely find a more efficient way of deriving for this data.

Before this project I’d never touched an SMT solver, so I’m sure there are all sorts of improvements that I’ve missed. I’d be really interested to get input from anyone who has more background in this area.


I’ve just been adding things to this library as I’ve needed (or wanted) them. If you find yourself using this, you’ll likely want to do the same. Please feel free to do so and submit pull requests!

Just for reference: I’ve been collecting basic geometric shapes under geometry.py, text and symbols under symbols.py, and helper functions for nontrivial constraints under arrange.py. Abstract helper groups like ShapeGrid live in groups.py. This layout is sort of ad-hoc, but it has worked so far.

We’re missing some pretty obvious features (e.g. arrows, arcs, a helper for multi-segment lines), mostly just because my free time is finite, but at some point down the road I would expect us to reach feature parity with SVG.

In addition, it’d be cool to add more functionality to the shapes we have (for example, there’s no reason why we couldn’t, say, support vector math with Line instances, and I can think of a few situations where that could be really useful). Again, I’ve just been adding things as I need them, so there’s plenty left to do here.


Currently we’re letting pySMT decide what solver to use. It might be a good idea to let the user override this behavior. I don’t know enough about solvers to have strong opinions here; I would be very interested to hear other folks’ takes on this.


This library has everything we need, but it also has some eccentricities, and it lacks any API documentation beyond the repo’s README.md. I know, that’s not great. We could either bring in a different dependency if anyone knows another one with feature parity (including Jupyter rendering), or we could contribute some docs to drawSvg. I’d lean towards the latter option.

Another note on drawSvg: currently, it positions the coordinate system’s origin in the canvas’s bottom-left corner, with the positive y-direction pointing upwards. Obsidian follows the convention more commonly found in interactive graphics software, where the origin is in the top-left and the positive y-direction points downwards. This requires our renderers in canvas.py to finesse our y-coordinates somewhat for the sake of compatibility.

drawSvg allows the user to move the origin, but not to invert the y-axis; it would be nice if they supported that inversion and added a flag to apply all the necessary changes to convert from one coordinate system to the other. This isn’t strictly needed - Obsidian’s renderer can, and does, handle this on its own - but it would be a cool feature for drawSvg to have, and it would make Obsidian’s code a lot cleaner, too.

I also wonder whether drawSvg’s render times could be sped up. This could be interesting to look at down the road, perhaps once we’ve reached the point of diminishing returns with Obsidian’s own internal optimizations.


drawSvg isn’t the only library with eccentricities. pySMT has a minor bug which actually prevents our infix operators from working unless we patch it at runtime. The issue has to do with how Python handles operators like |. I won’t go into the full details here - you can read about them in the comment block above Obsidian’s patch in __init__.py.

This is a minor bug, but it might be nice to draw up and submit a bugfix so we can remove that weird patch from obsidian.__init__.

Styling and Animation

Currently, complex style information (e.g. gradients) has to be expressed through drawSvg’s APIs. Ditto for animations: Obsidian can render individual frames, but collecting them into (say) a GIF requires importing from drawSvg. I haven’t seen any benefit to wrapping this functionality, but something about exposing our dependencies to end user code seems strange, so I thought I’d call it out here.

Unit Tests

It would be nice to have some unit tests. Currently I’m treating the scripts in examples/ as tests, re-running them after any big changes and making sure they still look right - this works, but it’s not ideal. I’ve been meaning to spend some time figuring out the best way to automate this process (or, even better, replace it with something more rigorous), but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

More Examples

I’m happy with the examples Obsidian has, but I’d like to write (or see) more.

It’d be interesting to see how terse we can get with scripts for simple geometric patterns like the Petersen graph or a Fibonacci spiral.

Circuit diagrams could be another fun challenge. In a similar vein, I’d like to take a crack at reproducing the sorts of wire diagrams you always find in books and articles on computer architecture, since that’s something I think Obsidian could do exceptionally well (and something touched on in the examples from the blog post linked in the Preface).

Some more interactive examples would be nice, as would examples of animations or examples with more complex styling.

I’ve got plenty of ideas for examples of all complexity levels and would be happy to workshop these with anyone who feels like making a contribution.


Obsidian gives you a terse, clear, expressive vocabulary for describing images with code and then rendering your descriptions. It lets you harness the full power of modern SMT solvers to generate figures based on constraints which can be as simple or complex as you like. It is designed to be easy to use, easy to read, and easy to extend.

The full codebase is open source. Contributions are invited, and if you found this interesting, feel free to get in touch!

  1. Aside, arguably, from the offsets on the Text anchor points - but getting text to look right always seems to take a little bit of magic :) 

  2. Ordinarily, Obsidian users will never have to touch drawSvg; however, you will need to use it if you want to generate animations, since the Canvas APIs currently only generate single frames. 

  3. This is, for instance, the option that Basalt appears to have chosen. 

  4. Here’s the only difference: there are a handful of operators that hold equal precedence to == but take precedence over |. They are: in, not in, is, is not, <, <=, >, >=, !=. Fortunately, none of these operators tend to show up in the same expressions as |EQ| constraints, so this isn’t something you ever really have to worry about.